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Thursday, May 31, 2018

California Senate Votes To Restore Net Neutrality

The fight to restore net neutrality rules nationwide is still ongoing, but in the meantime we have seen individual states attempt to introduce their own rules that should still somewhat protect the internet in the event the fight is lost. Now it looks like California is the latest to introduce its own rules as the state Senate has voted to approve a bill that would restore net neutrality rules.

The bill would essentially reinstate the rules that were in effect under the FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order, where it forbids internet service providers from throttling or blocking online content, and where all internet traffic would have to be treated equally. However before you get too excited, note that the bill will still need to clear state Assembly before it can be signed into law, meaning that there are still some hurdles to overcome.

A statement made by the Electronic Frontier Foundation reads, “California’s S.B. 822 is a gold standard for states looking to protect net neutrality. And since the FCC abandoned its role in protecting a free and open Internet, states stepping up is more important than ever. Today, EFF, representatives from groups across California, and other advocates for net neutrality are in Sacramento telling legislators not to bow to the will of large ISPs like AT&T and Comcast. Add your voice to theirs by calling your state senator.”

California Senate Votes To Restore Net Neutrality , original content from Ubergizmo. Read our Copyrights and terms of use.

from Ubergizmo https://ift.tt/2xzosCe

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