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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Instax alternative? Canon debuts new instant print CLIQ cameras

If you haven't noticed, Polaroid-style photographs are super trendy right now, thanks to cameras like Fujifilm's Instax line.

Not to be outdone by either brand, however, Canon has announced a new pair of instant-print cameras called Canon IVY CLIQ. Each one can hold up to 10 Zink film prints and export photos to the CLIQ+ Instant Camera Printer and app. They have an optical viewfinder and a USB cord for charging the battery, too. But the IVY CLIQ+ is the higher end of the two cameras.

Called the Zoemini S in Europe, it feature an 8-megapixel sensor, 2 x 2 and 2 x 3 printing options, microSD card slot, and and a selfie mirror with an LED light ring. The IVY CLIQ+ will launch in April with 10 sheets of 2 x 3 prints for $159.99. It’ll come in Pearl White, Sapphire Blue, or Ruby Red shades. As for the standard IVY CLIQ camera, it's called the Zoemini C in Europe.

It comes with a 5-megapixel sensor, the same 2 x 2 and 2 x 3 printing options, microSD card storage, and selfie mirror with no LED light ring. It also ships in April with the 10 sheets of film, but will be just $99.

Now, critics seem to prefer Fujifilm's film over Zink, but if you're more of a Canon person, that might not matter much to you.

from Pocket-lint : Cameras https://ift.tt/2V8eIXj

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